Author Archive for: shilpa.jain

Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Strategies for Inclusive Hiring and Support

One of the recent events that made headlines was the award-winning singer of global repute, Lewis Capaldi, facing Tourette’s syndrome spikes during a concert, and the audience being empathetic and helping him sing the lyrics. Imagine an entire galaxy of an audience, compassionate and assisting the one on the other side of the stage to perform his best without being

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5 Key Commitments to Support Employee Well-Being and Workplace Safety

The Global start-up eco-system has risen by a notable figure in the past few years, which means we have small-scale employees in addition to existing giants who run businesses and maintain a workforce. As part and parcel of a company, Workplace safety, and employee well-being are two primary factors to ensure that a company or a brand stays together and

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